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Send a friend request to Gary and Joanne Akehurst.If you leave a message, we will accept you quickly.
G & J Akehurst
PO Box 1100
Five Dock NSW 2046
Everything on this site is free of any cost and is personally run and paid for by Gary And Joanne who are full-time Christian workers. If you would like to help financially:
Direct deposit to: G & J AKEHURST
St George Bank BSB. 112-879 A/c No. 473-414-385
Swift code (for deposits from outside of Australia): SGBLAU2S
Or write a cheque to: G & J AKEHURST
Cheques may be posted to the above Postal Address.
If you send a gift, please write a note or email us, providing your name and email or postal address so we can thank you.