About Us

Why Promise Box Audio?

To provide sound Biblical teaching for all. The vast majority of the teaching has been recorded in Christian Brethren assemblies or camps. Most of the recordings are audios as they were digitised from audio cassettes, however we have a number of videos and PDFs.  The PDFs are mainly Bible notes, but also include some commentaries and books.

The name Promise Box comes from promise boxes that were more common many years ago, where you would have a box containing pieces of paper rolled into small scrolls.  Each scroll would have a Bible verse with a promise in it, like Philippians 4:7  And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.” The idea was you could pull out a verse every day or whenever you wanted to be an encouragement to you and remind you of God’s many wondrous promises.

We always have more recordings available than we can put online. This is a PDF of the 16,783 recordings we had available as at 6-3-20. We can update it on request. 

Who are we?

Gary and Joanne Akehurst. We hesitate to mention our names as we are only servants of our God, who has graciously allowed us to make this site available to you. However, knowing our names allows you to contact us and we trust you will, if we can help in any way.

our church

We attend Wareemba Gospel Church, Sydney, Australia which is one of many autonomous assemblies known to many as Christian Brethren, in Australia. In other countries they may be known as Plymouth Brethren or Open Brethren. We are not Exclusive Brethren.

WE belieVE

  1. That Scriptures, both Old and New Testaments are the inspired Word of God, inerrant in the original writings, and the supreme authority for what we believe and do.
  2. In one Holy, Almighty God, eternally existent as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
  3. That Jesus Christ, the Eternal Son of God and Son of Man, born of a virgin, lived a sinless life and bore the full judgement of God for all sinners when He was crucified on a cross at Calvary, Himself being God.
  4. In the bodily resurrection and ascension of Jesus Christ into heaven to the Father’s right hand, being Lord of His Church and Lord of heaven and earth.
  5. In the pre-tribulation return of Jesus Christ for His Church.
  6. In the fall of man and his consequent sinful, rebellious state, unfit for the presence of God and bound for eternal punishment in the Lake of Fire.
  7. In salvation by grace, a free gift of God, through faith in the shed blood of Jesus Christ, His life, His death on the cross, His burial, His resurrection, and His ascension to the right hand of God in heaven.
  8. In the resurrection of the dead — the believers in Christ to life everlasting with Him and the unbelievers to eternal condemnation in the Lake of Fire.
  9. In the reality and personality of Satan and his final doom in the Lake of Fire.
  10. In the lost condition of all mankind and therefore it is our solemn responsibility to preach the gospel to all people in every nation.
  11. In a practical, separated Christian walk. In an overcoming victorious life, provided on the basis of faith in Christ’s redemptive work.
  12. In the church, consisting of all born again believers, the body and bride of Christ, represented in local gatherings of believers.


Copyright Disclaimer

To the best of our knowledge all material on this website is free from copyright.

Should anyone holding copyright on any material on this site wish to have it removed, please let us know, we will remove it as soon as possible. Click on Contact us page for email and postal address.

As a result of believing everything on this site is copyright free, we are happy and would encourage you to distribute recordings from it to the glory of God. We do not sell any and trust you won’t either.

Content Disclaimer

We don’t necessarily agree with all the teaching contained in every recording made available on this site. They are the views of the speakers.