Clines, Alfred W (1913-1986)


From Sydney, New South Wales, Australia. Fellowshipped at Oatley Gospel Chapel. 

Though he fellowshipped with a few assemblies in the Sydney, he was a foundation member of Oatley assembly. As well as taking many meetings in most assemblies in Sydney, he was a recognised conference speaker in every state of Australia (except WA) and a lecturer at Emmaus Bible College from its inception in 1956 until 1985, the year prior to his death. He was especially known for his flannelgraphs which was a way of illustrating a talk, often used for the benefit of children.

Click a link below to listen to Alfred.

The Inspiration And Authority Of The Bible

2 Timothy 2:1-14

2 Timothy 2:15-26

Zechariah 14:1-15

Zecharaiah 14:16-21